

Tide consists of the following services:

  • The API implements MySQL, PHP-FPM, and an Nginx web server with WordPress installed serving a theme and a REST API.
  • The Sync Server polls the API’s for themes and plugins to process and writes them to a queue.
  • The PHPCS Server reads messages from a queue and runs reports against both plugins and themes, then sends the results back to the Tide API.
  • The Lighthouse Server reads messages from a queue and runs Google Lighthouse reports against the themes only, then sends the results back to the Tide API.


There are several make commands you can use to manage the Tide services. Some you run manually, and some are ran by other make commands — these are the root level ones. There are additional commands associated with each service, which we’ll see later in this section. If you run make from the root directory a full list of commands will output to your shell.

Command Description
make deps Install Glide dependencies.
make config Set GCP configurations.
make build.bins Build all the Go binaries.
make clean.bins Clean all the Go binaries.
make build.images Build all the Docker images.
make build.up Rebuild the Docker images & run the containers with docker-compose up.
make up Run the Docker containers with docker-compose up.
make down Stop the Docker containers with docker-compose down.
make test Run the Go test suite.