
Google Cloud SQL

Deploying a database to Cloud SQL for the WordPress API only requires a bit of configuration to the environment variables and then to run a single make command.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
GCSQL_API_BACKUP_START_TIME he start time of daily backups, specified in the 24 hour format - HH:MM, in the UTC timezone. This is the window of time when you would like backups to start. Learn more.
GCSQL_API_DATABASE_VERSION The database engine type and version. Must be one of: MYSQL_5_6, MYSQL_5_7.
GCSQL_API_DB_NAME Name of the database.
GCSQL_API_DB_PASSWORD Password used to access the database.
GCSQL_API_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD The database root password.
GCSQL_API_DB_USER Username used to access the database.
GCSQL_API_INSTANCE Second Generation instance name. Do not include sensitive or personally identifiable information in your instance name; it is externally visible.
GCSQL_API_FAILOVER_REPLICA_NAME The name of the failover replica to be created for the new instance.
GCSQL_API_TIER The tier for this instance. For Second Generation instances, this is the instance’s machine type (e.g., db-n1-standard-1). The machine type determines the number of CPUs and the amount of memory your instance has. See valid values. Learn more.
GCSQL_API_MAINTENANCE_RELEASE_CHANNEL Your preferred timing for instance updates, relative to other instances in the same project. Use preview for earlier updates, and production for later updates. Learn more.
GCSQL_API_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_DAY Day of week for a maintenance window, in the UTC time zone. Must be one of: SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT.
GCSQL_API_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_HOUR Hour of day - 0 to 23. Determines a one-hour window when Cloud SQL can perform disruptive maintenance on your instance.
GCSQL_API_STORAGE_SIZE Amount of storage allocated to the instance. Must be an integer number of GB between 10GB and 10230GB inclusive.


Create the Cloud SQL database:

make api.deploy.sql

This command will create a database instance and failover instance set the root password, create a database for WordPress, and create a user for that database.