

The Tide API is a Docker implementation of MySQL, PHP-FPM, and Nginx. The web server has WordPress installed with this documentation theme and a REST API for storing theme and plugin audits. If you plan on deploying to the cloud you should read the entire Google Cloud Platform section.

The API Docker containers must be up and running before you start any of the other services.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
API_ADMIN_EMAIL The email associated with the local admin account. Default is admin@tide.local. Note: unless you setup the Gmail SMTP plugin, any generated emails will not get sent by WordPress.
API_ADMIN_PASSWORD The password associated with the local admin account. Default is wordpress.
API_ADMIN_USER The username associated with the local admin account. Default is admin.
API_AUTH_URL The wp-tide-api authentication REST endpoint, used both locally and on GCP. Default is http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/auth.
API_BLOG_DESCRIPTION Site tagline (set in Settings > General). Default is Automated insight into your WordPress code.
API_BLOG_NAME Site title (set in Settings > General). Default is Tide.
API_CACHE Whether caching should be active or not. Must be one of: true, false. Default is true.
API_CACHE_DEBUG Whether or not to display the caching headers for debugging. Must be one of: true, false. Default is false.
API_CACHE_KEY_SALT Cache key used to salt the redis object cache. Default is xbIm5y$i&mMtW9q93la5x*qoE0cvbjWxDTFq@4r3nHJc*ZcIiW@pI@2z$GC7BEz7.
API_CACHE_TTL Sets the numeric time to live (TTL) in seconds for page caching. Default is 86400.
API_DB_HOST The host of the local database, which connects to a Docker container. Default is api-mysql.
API_DB_NAME Name of the local database. Default is wordpress.
API_DB_PASSWORD Password used to access the local database. Default is wordpress.
API_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD The local database root password. Default is wordpress.
API_DB_USER Username used to access the local database. Default is wordpress.
API_HTTP_HOST The API domain name, used both locally and on GCP. Default is tide.local.
API_KEY The API key used both locally and on GCP to authenticate the audit-server user. Default is uRhZgeYt$v5u0vR5fpcDSWcZU.
API_PROTOCOL The API protocol, used both locally and on GCP Default is http.
API_REDIS_AUTH The Redis database password. Default is redis.
API_REDIS_DATABASE Use a specific numeric Redis database. Default is 0.
API_REDIS_HOST The host where the Redis database can be reached. Default is api-redis.
API_REDIS_PORT The port where the Redis database can be reached. Default is 6379.
API_SECRET The API secret used both locally and on GCP to authenticate the audit-server user. Default is rVvUWQlPQr8trSEd2qdwmE4Eiua$MjLX.
API_THEME The slug of the local WordPress theme. Default is docs.
API_UPLOAD_HANDLER Tells WordPress how media upload is handled. Uses either the local file system or Google Cloud Storage. Must be one of: local, gcs. Default is local. Default is local.
API_VERSION The API version found in the Tide API REST url, used both locally and on GCP. Default is v1.


Command Description
make api.up Run the API Docker containers in isolation with docker-compose up.
make api.down Take the isolated API Docker containers down.
make api.stop Stop the isolated API Docker containers with docker-compose stop.
make api.rm Remove the stopped API Docker containers with docker-compose rm.
make api.composer Install the Composer dependencies. Runs make api.tpl automatically before installing the dependencies.
make api.setup Run the setup script; API containers must be running to exec into.
make api.tpl Generate the API YAML & PHP templates.
make api.deploy.sql Deploy the Cloud SQL database and setup the database users.
make Deploy the API to Google App Engine.
make api.deploy.redis Deploy the Google Cloud Memorystore Redis instance.
make api.get.redis Get metadata, including the internal VPC IP address, for the Google Cloud Memorystore Redis instance.
make api.clean.redis Delete the Google Cloud Memorystore Redis instance.


The Tide API has several endpoints. I’ll try and cover them in as much detail as possible. One important workflow to note when working with the API is that you must authenticate with the API and generate a token that you then use to make authenticated requests.


Generates a user specific JSON Web Token (JWT) by making a basic authentication POST request with an API key and secret — which can be found on your user profile page.


Parameter Description
api_key Tide user’s API key.
api_secret Tide user’s API secret.


Request a JWT with your API key and secret:

curl -X POST \
    http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/auth \
    -F 'api_key=<api_key>' \
    -F 'api_secret=<api_secret>'


This endpoint is used to get audit results and generate audits. There are several ways to generate an audit and reports. One of them is to make a POST request to the audit endpoint in the Tide API. An unauthenticated GET request option is describe lower on this page and is specifically for the wporg user. Another possibility would be to create a message in the queue, but that requires more access than a simple Bearer token.


Request a collection of audits.

Parameter Description
context Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response - view | embed | edit. Default is view.
page Current page of the collection.
per_page Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10.
search Limit results to those matching a string.
after Limit response to posts published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.
author Limit result set to posts assigned to specific authors.
author_exclude Ensure result set excludes posts assigned to specific authors.
before Limit response to posts published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.
exclude Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.
include Limit result set to specific IDs.
offset Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order Order sort attribute ascending or descending.
orderby Sort collection by object attribute.
slug Limit result set to posts with one or more specific slugs.
status Limit result set to posts assigned one or more statuses.
audit_project Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the audit_project taxonomy.
audit_project_exclude Limit result set to all items except those that have the specified term assigned in the audit_project taxonomy.


Create an audit that generates various report standards for WordPress themes and plugins.

Parameter Description
title Title of the plugin or theme.
content Description of the plugin or theme.
slug The slug of the plugin or theme.
project_type The type of project to audit. Must be one of: theme, plugin.
source_url The source to the zip file. In the future we will support git repositories.
source_type This must be zip. In the future we will support git repositories.
request_client The Tide API user login name.
force Force a re-audit for existing audit reports. Must be one of: true, false.
visibility Sets the visibility of an audit. Must be one of: public or private.
standards An array of available report standards. Must be one of: phpcs_wordpress, phpcs_phpcompatibility, lighthouse.


Create an audit by making a POST request:

curl -X POST \
    http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/audit \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
    -F 'title=Twenty Seventeen' \
    -F 'content=Twenty Seventeen brings your site to life with header video and immersive featured images.' \
    -F 'slug=twentyseventeen' \
    -F 'project_type=theme' \
    -F 'source_url=' \
    -F 'source_type=zip' \
    -F 'request_client=wporg' \
    -F 'force=false' \
    -F 'visibility=public' \
    -F 'standards[]=phpcs_wordpress' \
    -F 'standards[]=phpcs_phpcompatibility'


Similar to the previous endpoint but strictly used to make requests to existing audits.


Get an audit by id.

Parameter Description
id Unique identifier for the object.


Update an audit by id.

Parameter Description
id Unique identifier for the object.
title Title of the plugin or theme.
content Description of the plugin or theme.
slug The slug of the plugin or theme.
project_type The type of project to audit. Must be one of: theme, plugin.
source_url The source to the zip file. In the future we will support git repositories.
source_type This must be zip. In the future we will support git repositories.
request_client The Tide API user login name.
force Force a re-audit for existing audit reports. Must be one of: true, false.
visibility Sets the visibility of an audit. Must be one of: public or private.
standards An array of available report standards. Must be one of: phpcs_wordpress, phpcs_phpcompatibility, lighthouse.


Delete an audit by id.

Parameter Description
id Unique identifier for the object.
force Whether to bypass trash and force deletion. Must be one of: true, false.


Retrieve the audit with a GET request:

curl -X GET http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/audit/<id>

Update the title by making a POST request:

curl -X POST \
    http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/audit/<id> \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
    -F 'title=Something New!'

Force all the report standards to be re-audited by making a POST request:

curl -X POST \
    http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/audit/<id> \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
    -F 'force=true' \
    -F 'standards[]=phpcs_wordpress' \
    -F 'standards[]=phpcs_phpcompatibility' \
    -F 'standards[]=lighthouse'

And adds the Lighthouse report that was missing in the /api/tide/v1/audit example above.

Remove the audit with a DELETE request and bypass the trash:

curl -X DELETE \
    http://tide.local/api/tide/v1/audit/<id> \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
    -F 'force=true'


This endpoint is nearly identical to the previous one, except you are using the audit’s altid (e.g. checksum) to make your requests. A checksum is an MD5 hash string from the contents of a directory.


Get an audit by altid.

Parameter Description
altid An alternate unique id to query on (e.g. checksum).


Update an audit by altid.

Parameter Description
altid An alternate unique id to query on (e.g. checksum).
title Title of the plugin or theme.
content Description of the plugin or theme.
slug The slug of the plugin or theme.
project_type The type of project to audit. Must be one of: theme, plugin.
source_url The source to the zip file. In the future we will support git repositories.
source_type This must be zip. In the future we will support git repositories.
request_client The Tide API user login name.
force Force a re-audit for existing audit reports. Must be one of: true, false.
visibility Sets the visibility of an audit. Must be one of: public or private.
standards An array of available report standards. Must be one of: phpcs_wordpress, phpcs_phpcompatibility, lighthouse.


Delete an audit by altid.

Parameter Description
altid An alternate unique id to query on (e.g. checksum).
force Whether to bypass trash and force deletion.



Get an audit collection for a project client.

Parameter Description
project_client The Tide API user login name representing a project client.



Get a theme or plugin audit collection for a project client.

Parameter Description
project_client The Tide API user login name representing a project client.
project_type The project type. Must be one of: theme, plugin.



Get a theme or plugin audit collection for a project client and slug.

Parameter Description
project_client The Tide API user login name representing a project client.
project_type The project type. Must be one of: theme, plugin.
project_slug The taxonomy term representing the project slug.


This endpoint can be used to make unauthenticated audit requests on behalf of the wporg user if the audit doesn’t already exist. With the wporg user token I could also send an authenticated request to this endpoint and force a re-audit if the audit does exist.


Get a theme or plugin audit for a project client, slug and version.

Parameter Description
project_client The Tide API user login name representing a project client.
project_type The project type. Must be one of: theme, plugin.
project_slug The taxonomy term representing the project slug.
version The project version number.


This endpoint is authenticated and requires a Bearer token. As well, you can only view reports associated with your account. The response is a temporary download link for the report — keeping sensitive data safe and secure is important to us.


Get a specific type of report by id and standard.

Parameter Description
id Unique identifier for the audit object.
type The report type. Must be one of: raw, parsed.
standard The report standard. Must be one of: phpcs_wordpress, phpcs_phpcompatibility, lighthouse.


This endpoint has the same restrictions as above.


Get a specific type of report by altid and standard.

Parameter Description
altid An alternate unique id to query on (e.g. checksum).
type The report type. Must be one of: raw, parsed.
standard The report standard. Must be one of: phpcs_wordpress, phpcs_phpcompatibility, lighthouse.