
PHPCS Server

The PHPCS Server is a Go binary installed on an Alpine Linux Docker image that reads messages from a queue and runs PHPCS reports against both plugins and themes, then sends the results back to the Tide API. It is important to note that the PHPCS Server only does static analysis of PHP compatibility and WordPress coding standards and does not execute code or install themes and plugins into WordPress to run the audit.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
PHPCS_CONCURRENT_AUDITS Sets the number of goroutines the server will perform concurrently. Default is 5. This is currently deactivated and will have no impact during runtime.
PHPCS_MESSAGE_PROVIDER Queue audit messages using the local MongoDB, Google Cloud Firestore, or AWS SQS. Must be one of: local, firestore, sqs. Default is local.
PHPCS_STORAGE_PROVIDER Upload reports to the local file system, Google Cloud Storage, or AWS S3. Must be one of: local, gcs, s3. Default is local.
PHPCS_TEMP_FOLDER Sets the temporary folder inside the container used to store downloaded files. Default is /tmp.


Command Description
make Build the PHPCS Server Go binary.
make phpcs.clean.bin Clean the PHPCS Server Go binary.
make Build the PHPCS Server Docker image.
make Rebuild the PHPCS Server Docker image and run the container in isolation with docker-compose up.
make phpcs.up Run the PHPCS Server Docker container in isolation with docker-compose up.
make phpcs.down Take the isolated PHPCS Server Docker container down.
make phpcs.stop Stop the isolated PHPCS Server Docker container with docker-compose stop.
make phpcs.rm Remove the stopped PHPCS Server Docker container with docker-compose rm.
make phpcs.push.image Push the PHPCS Server Docker image to GCR.
make phpcs.clean.image Clean the PHPCS Server Docker image from the host machine.
make Build the PHPCS Server GKE cluster.
make phpcs.creds Get the PHPCS Server GKE cluster credentials.
make phpcs.tpl Generate the PHPCS Server GKE YAML template.
make phpcs.deploy.cluster Deploy the PHPCS Server GKE cluster.
make phpcs.get.cluster Get the PHPCS Server GKE cluster status.
make phpcs.clean.cluster Clean the PHPCS Server GKE cluster.