
Google Kubernetes Engine

All the goroutines are deployed to a Kubernetes cluster with the same basic steps, but first a bit of configuration to the environment variables for each server is required.

Environment Variables

Lighthouse Server

Variable Description
GKE_LH_CLUSTER The name of the cluster. Default islighthouse-server.
GKE_LH_CLUSTER_VERSION The Kubernetes version to use for the master and nodes. You can check which Kubernetes versions are default and available in a given zone by running the following command:
  gcloud container get-server-config --zone [COMPUTE-ZONE]
GKE_LH_CPU_PERCENT The average percent CPU utilization across all pods. Must be a range of 1-100.
GKE_LH_DISK_SIZE Size in GB for node VM boot disks. An example value is 100.
GKE_LH_IMAGE The name of the Docker image. Default islighthouse-server.
GKE_LH_MACHINE_TYPE The type of machine to use for nodes. An example value is n1-standard-1.
GKE_LH_MAX_NODES Maximum number of nodes to which the node pool can scale.
GKE_LH_MAX_PODS Maximum number of Pods you want to run based on the CPU utilization of your existing Pods.
GKE_LH_MIN_NODES Minimum number of nodes to which the node pool can scale.
GKE_LH_MIN_PODS Minimum number of Pods you want to run based on the CPU utilization of your existing Pods.
GKE_LH_NUM_NODES The number of nodes to be created in each of the cluster’s zones.
GKE_LH_REPLICAS The number of desired Pods in the initial deployment.

PHPCS Server

Variable Description
GKE_PHPCS_CLUSTER The name of the cluster. Default is phpcs-server.
GKE_PHPCS_CLUSTER_VERSION The Kubernetes version to use for the master and nodes. You can check which Kubernetes versions are default and available in a given zone by running the following command:
  gcloud container get-server-config --zone [COMPUTE-ZONE]
GKE_PHPCS_CPU_PERCENT The average percent CPU utilization across all pods. Must be a range of 1-100.
GKE_PHPCS_DISK_SIZE Size in GB for node VM boot disks. An example value is 100.
GKE_PHPCS_IMAGE The name of the Docker image. Default is phpcs-server.
GKE_PHPCS_MACHINE_TYPE The type of machine to use for nodes. An example value is n1-standard-1.
GKE_PHPCS_MAX_NODES Maximum number of nodes to which the node pool can scale.
GKE_PHPCS_MAX_PODS Maximum number of Pods you want to run based on the CPU utilization of your existing Pods.
GKE_PHPCS_MIN_NODES Minimum number of nodes to which the node pool can scale.
GKE_PHPCS_MIN_PODS Minimum number of Pods you want to run based on the CPU utilization of your existing Pods.
GKE_PHPCS_NUM_NODES The number of nodes to be created in each of the cluster’s zones.
GKE_PHPCS_REPLICAS The number of desired Pods in the initial deployment.

Sync Server

Variable Description
GKE_SYNC_CLUSTER The name of the cluster. Default is sync-server.
GKE_SYNC_CLUSTER_VERSION The Kubernetes version to use for the master and nodes. You can check which Kubernetes versions are default and available in a given zone by running the following command:
  gcloud container get-server-config --zone [COMPUTE-ZONE]
GKE_SYNC_DISK_SIZE Size in GB for node VM boot disks. An example value is 100.
GKE_SYNC_IMAGE The name of the Docker image. Default is sync-server.
GKE_SYNC_MACHINE_TYPE The type of machine to use for nodes. An example value is n1-standard-1.
GKE_SYNC_PERSISTENT_DISK_TYPE Type of persistent disk. Must be one of: pd-standard, pd-ssd.
GKE_SYNC_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE Size in GB for the persistent disk. An example value is 100GB.


Once you’ve got the variables setup it’s basically push the image to Google Container Registry (GCR), create the Kubernetes cluster, and then create a Kubernetes deployment. I’ll demonstrate it with the PHPCS Server. Other than specific make commands for each service, these steps are all the same.

Push the image to GCR:

make phpcs.push.image

Create the GKE cluster:


Deploy the GKE cluster:

make phpcs.deploy.cluster

Delete the GKE cluster:

make phpcs.clean.cluster