
Google Cloud Memorystore

Deploying a Redis instance to Cloud Memorystore for the WordPress API only requires a bit of configuration to the environment variables and then to run a few make commands.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
GCM_INSTANCE_NAME The name of the Redis instance.
GCM_INSTANCE_SIZE The memory size of the instance in GiB. Must be an integer number between 1-300. This setting dramatically changes costs, do your research before deploying an instance.
GCM_INSTANCE_TIER The service tier of the instance. Must be one of: basic, standard. Basic means the Redis instance will not have replication. Standard is a high-availability Redis instance with replication for failover.


Deploy the Google Cloud Memorystore Redis instance:

make api.deploy.redis

Get metadata, including the internal VPC IP address, for the Google Cloud Memorystore Redis instance:

make api.get.redis

Delete the Google Cloud Memorystore Redis instance:

make api.clean.redis